J-E-T-S, JETS, JETS, JETS!!!!... Sorry, Jets fans, but that's not what this blog is about.
The Japanese Exchange and Teaching Program, or JET Program, is an exchange program that allows participants to engage in cultural exchange in Japan through three main positions. You can apply for three of the following positions: The Assistant Language Teacher (ALT), The Coordinator for International Relations (CIR), and The Sports Exchange Advisor (SEA). If you want more information on the specific positions check out their official website.
I have begun my application process with the JET Program to apply for the ALT position. I fit the eligibility, and it provides me with an opportunity to teach and gain experience in a classroom environment. Some of you may recall my last blog and how detailed the application process was, well multiply that by 10. No, its not that bad really! An online application process helps keep your paper work down, so it really isn't that bad.
Where I'm at... I'm literally in the wee beginnings of this application process. I've completed the online application, but I have not submitted it, because I want to review, fix, and make sure EVERYTHING is correct and according to the instructions. So, I've completed that and I'm also in the process of collecting the necessary documents required to complete the application process, i.e. transcripts, letters of recommendation, and a plethora of copies of each.
The process is long, tedious, and just like the other application process I'm going to be just as nervous. Let me summarize the application and notification process. Let me note this information can be more accurately obtained and if you're interested in applying you should use the official JET website regarding the application process. Just google JET Program.
Application - Notification Process (abridged):
-October: Application opens
-November: Deadline for Application
-December to January: Initial Screening (this is where they select the applicants for the next step)
-February: Interviews
-Early April: Selection announcement
-May to June: Placement Notification
This is an extremely long process and hopefully I will receive wonderful news in April.
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